How to add a new page object?

Sylius uses a solution inspired by SensioLabs/PageObjectExtension, which provides an infrastructure to create pages that encapsulates all the user interface manipulation in page objects.

To create a new page object it is needed to add a service.

The simplest Symfony-based page looks like:



namespace App\Tests\Behat\Page\Frontend;

use FriendsOfBehat\PageObjectExtension\Page\SymfonyPage;

class LoginPage extends SymfonyPage
    public function getRouteName(): string
        return 'app_frontend_security_login';

There are some boilerplates for common pages, which you may use. The available parents are FriendsOfBehat\PageObjectExtension\Page\Page and FriendsOfBehat\PageObjectExtension\Page\SymfonyPage. It is not required for a page to extend any class as pages are POPOs (Plain Old PHP Objects).